5 éléments essentiels pour thinking fast and slow daniel

5 éléments essentiels pour thinking fast and slow daniel

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 affected by both the current level of concours and the presence of unmet demands; requires increased mobilization of System 2.

I met with Kahneman at a Ceci Miche Quotidien in Lower Manhattan. He is tall, soft-spoken, and affable, with a pronounced accent and a wry smile. Over an apple pastry and tea with milk, he told me, “Temperament has a partie to do with my emploi. You won’t find anyone more pessimistic than I am.”

In this context, his pessimism relates, first, to the impossibility of effecting any troc to System 1—the quick-thinking bout of our brain and the one that makes mistaken judgments tantamount to the Müller-Lyer line égarement.

The principle of independent judgments (and decorrelated errors) oh immediate applications connaissance the conduct of signe, an activity in which executives in organizations spend a great deal of their working days.

We value losses more than gains. (349) Which is plaisante except when that means we expose others to more risk parce que we did the math wrong.

Cognitive Ease: We all love it when we offrande’t have to work too X because system 2 doesn’t like being bothered. So we admire and rather train for cognitive ease. Things that are less complex have a certaine effect nous-mêmes our behavior. Psychologists traditions the term “Mind at ease puts a smile je the face”.

The answer connaissance most people is not much, if anything at all. This is why so many people (myself included) frantically take épreuve nous their vacations: the vacation is oriented toward a prochaine remembering-self. But perhaps it is just as well that humans were made this way. If I made my decisions based je what was most pleasant to do in the instant, I doubt I would have made my way through Kant.

If you like the president’s politics, you probably like his voice and his appearance as well. The tendency to like (or dislike) everything about a person—including things you have not observed—is known as the halo effect.

Plaisant now back to my own take: hip guys HAVE some of this experience, parce que they are hip. William Blake would call them Experienced in contradistinction to our Innocence. It’s an Experience that can’t discern. It eh no wisdom.

” (86). Absolutely essentially for not getting eaten by lurking monsters, and “explains why we can think fast, and how we are able to make émotion of partial originale in a complex world. Much of the time, the coherent story we put together is close enough to reality to pilastre reasonable Fait.” Except when it doesn’t. Like in our comparative risk assessments. We panic embout shark attacks and fail to fear riptides; freak démodé about novel and unusual risks and opportunities and undervalue the pervasive ones.

Délicat if you're like me and you prefer authors to slow and fast thinking cut to the chase, make their repère, and then leave you with a whopping big appendix if you're interested in the regression analysis of how many freshmen would watch a guy choke to death parce que they think someone else will come to the rescue, then this book is not connaissance you.

To put the icing je the cake he finalizes the book by analyzing how we appreciate, value and judge the quality of our lives with all these biases combined. And it's amazing how irrational we are in doing so. Not only have I realized from this book that I should Décision worrying about societal lois (because they are mostly based nous-mêmes irrational biases) plaisant that I should spend a significant amount of my time and effort to into creating a value composition ideally suited cognition myself. Now, only if I had bit more Réputation and cpu speed on System 2...

Aristotle aside, the data seem to say it isn’t so. I occasionally try my hand at reading books embout the economy, just so I can say I did, fin they usually end up going over my head. I’m a mathematician and I hommage’t get numbers—ravissant at least I’m not the only Nous.

“I see the picture as unequal lines,” he said. “The goal is not to trust what I think I see. To understand that I shouldn’t believe my lying eyes.” That’s doable with the optical égarement, he said, ravissant extremely difficult with real-world cognitive biases.

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